Oct 6, 2008

We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news...

Ok, so lately I've been playing catch-up with recent adventures and what not. I finally made it to September, the day before October, and now I must jump ahead. I'm sitting here in the Looney Bean Coffee Shop in Bishop, Ca. I have been here in Bishop since Thursday, Oct 2 climbing and taking pictures. I can't wait until I catch up to show you these photos. So here are a few that I am totally stoked on:

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Sep 7, 2008

Mt Whitney - A bit late...

I was in the Eastern Sierra Mountains from June 25-29 hiking and taking time to breathe. I highly recommend it. Not only going to the Sierra but also taking time to breathe. It is so refreshing to simply be and breathe and take in all that is around. So often I am rushing from here to there or sitting for hours in front of a monitor. Looking back on this adventure I am caught up in how good it was. Hiking up mountains, jumping in glacier lakes, breathing in the fresh mountain (thin) air, peace, epic mountainscapes that have stood the test of time.
I learned that these mountains are still growing. With each earthquake on the eastern side it force them a little bit higher, however, wind and rain and ice are maintaining a consistent height.For more pictures from my trip click here.

"Photographs that transcend but do not deny their literal situation appeal to me." - Sam Abell

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